The Benefits of being a WBA Supporter
Never more important than NOW. Be safe off the highways wherever possible and use your bridleways. Developments are being built closer to existing rights of way, and quiet lanes are being used as regular traffic thoroughfares, forcing riders to make better use of our bridleways and byways for continued hacking pleasure.
We welcome all new riders and non-riders who value the local bridleway network and other rights of way in Wiltshire. You can be assured your supporter's fee will be put to very good use, enabling our association of hard-working volunteers continued support to:
- Advise and assist members with rights of way problems
- Review & challenge proposed changes from planning applications
- Report Problems - overgrown vegetation, blockages, fences and gates
- Prevent the closure of bridleways and byways and create new links wherever possible
- Work to ensure all paths that should be marked as bridleways and byways are on the Definitive Map
- Hold rides to enable supporters to meet other like-minded riders and enjoy new areas of the Wiltshire countryside as well as get to know their rights of way
- Work for the rights of horse riders and carriage drivers in the county
- Work for the creation of new bridleways and extension of the existing network whenever new roads or building works are proposed
Your Committee of Volunteers:
- Hold monthly committee meetings and welcome all to attend
- Manage the fighting fund
- Work with the MoD, CAF & Wiltshire Council
- Survey Routes
- Maintain an extensive library of historical records
- Work closely with the friends of the Marlborough - Swindon Railway path
As a supporter of Wiltshire Bridleways Association
you will be helping to ensure the future use of all Bridleways and byways in your area.
In addition, as a paid-up supporter, you will:
you will be helping to ensure the future use of all Bridleways and byways in your area.
In addition, as a paid-up supporter, you will:
- receive regular newsletters from us updating you of our actions
- kept up to date with rights of way in your area
- helped to resolve issues with your local bridleways
- get early bird ride notification and entry fee reduction
- contribute to fund future legal action to prevent bridleway closures in Wiltshire
- and to top it off, feel great about supporting this vital work to protect the future of our Wiltshire rights of way!
The WBA Supporters Code:
- Be considerate to other users
- Keep to bridleways and byways when riding across farmland
- Fasten all gates
- Do your best not to damage the surface of paths especially in wet weather
- Take care on all roads and acknowledge other users courtesy
- Find your bridleways and byways and use them whenever possible
- Follow The Countryside Code
Alternatively contact our Supporters Secretary Rosie Pack, who can send you a copy of the form in the post.
E-mail Rosie
Annual Supporters Subscription Fee. Renews on January 1st each year
Single £15
Couple / Family £18.